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 distro LANGT NER skeud

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Nombre de messages : 67
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2008

distro LANGT NER skeud Empty
MessageSujet: distro LANGT NER skeud   distro LANGT NER skeud EmptyLun 21 Juil - 20:11

J'ai toujours envie de faire de la place dans ma chambre!

*KRAPNEK tape: 8 new songs. French grind crust. 2e<br><br>
*NELSON MONFORT ORCHESTRA/SHORTLIVED/WORKSHY/TENTACLES OF DESTRUCTION 4 way split tape: Grind, fast hardcore and punk from new zealand and france. 2e<br><br>
*SCUM SYSTEM KILL tape: 5 songs/10 minutes of raw hardcore crust from australia.2e<br><br>
*A.V.I.S. BENEFIT comp. tape: Nelson monfort orchestra/ Shitnoise/ Radio bikini/ Fistfuck/ Rotten tofu/ Rabies/ Midas/ The lost cards/ Beton/ Co arse/ Gride/ Dissect/ Krap nek/ Tekken/ CTB/ Bandemort/ Mareridt/ Warsore/ Satan’s reject/ Visions of war. 1.5 <br><br>
*BOUMxCOEUR records comp.7’: 10 bands. Each one plays one minute of music. From fast hardcore to grindcore.BUxKxNONE/CHAROGNE STONE/HERPES VAGINALE/ROGER MOORE/ORGAN GRINDER/ASS'N'DICK/KRAP NEK/THRASHINGTON DC/DIE HOLLE/INTESTINAL DISEASE.2.5e<br><br><br>

CD :<br>
ACAO DIRECTA ‘Entre a bencao e a caos’: Brasilian punk hardcore! (Peculio) 5e<br>
ATAXIA ‘Face the truth’: nyhc from france (maloka) 5e<br>
AUTONOMIE AUJOURD'HUI comp. : benefit for No Pasaran network. With Ya basta/ Hors controle/ Urban Blight/ 20 min de Chaos/ Lysteria/ P4alatak… Ska/ oi! Punk compilation. (No pasaran/ Bloko autonoma) 4e<br>
BLACK FILM DANCE ‘john’s Lp’: Noisy punk rock with keyboards.(salvation) 3e<br>
BYSTORM/SAUNA split: asian metalic newschool hc a bit like converge etc… (t4c) 4e<br>
COACCION 'Desorden': mexican crust hardcore (Satan terror/Criptas) 6e<br>
DAILY LIFE SUCKS ‘The last 6 minutes of your life’ cdr: 11 songs of hungarian grindcore!! <br>
DECADE OF DISSIDENCE comp.: Songs from bands who played in 1in12 club in Uk. Health Harzard/Conclude/Headache/Revolt/Stalingrad/Cress/Sawn off/Extinction of mankind... (active distr.) 5 e<br>
DIOS HASTIO‘cervix inferno’ : dark agressive crust from peru.(Squawk...) 5e<br>
DOOM ‘Doomed from the start’: The demo’s album. The 4 first demo and a live. 30 songs. 5e<br>
DRUNKARDS 'Sentenza di morte': 10 songs and 1 video trax of italian punk crust (bbc) 4e<br>
EAT SHIT EXPERIENCE s/t: French grind punk!! (Ainu/Dead cirkus/sclerose...) 5e<br>
EMMOS 'Your world is a warfield' cd r: French solo black metal (Altsphere/iemn)prix libre<br>
ENFOLD ‘No coming home’: Emo metal rock N roll (Per Koro rds) 4e<br>
FEUD ‘Battling bastards of freedom’ : xOldschool Hc thrashx from philippines (625 thrashcore/Boisleve/Where is your anger?) 4e<br>
GLAUCOM SYNOD ‘Ogre’ cdr: French indus (Nihilistic holocaust) 1.5e <br>
GOREGAST ‚La revancha’: Death grind from germoney (hecatombe) 6e <br>
HEADWAY‘s/t’ :Digipack. Jazzy noise.(stonehenge) 4e<br>
HK ‘human kaos’ :intense and deconstruct Hc.(maldoror) 5e<br>
IZBA WYTRZEZWIEN/DYSPLASIE(SEVERE) split cd r: french drunk crust punk vs french grind punk 1.5e <br>
LARIAT ‘means of production’ : U.S politicized metalic hc (last effort rds) 3e<br>
LAZARUS BLACKSTAR ‘Funeral voyeur’: English (?) thrash metal. (Undergroove) 5e <br>
MIXOMATOSIS/FREAKHATE/RDB/BUNDERNEKROMUNDA 4 ways split: different kinds of grinding your life from poland, portugal and spain.Metalic, punk or gore! (vomit your shit/murder) 4e<br>
MUCOPUS ‘Undimensional’: technical modern grind metal (Nice to eat you/sevared) 6e <br>
MY NAME IS SATAN ‘Refuse to kneel’: Modern hardcore (Control/enslaved) 5e <br>
NARZISS ‘Die hoffnung stirbt zuletzt’: Hardcore (Per Koro / circulation rds) 4e<br>
NED ‘le choc de l’astronomie populaire’: funny noise rock(SK) 4e<br>
RECOVER s/t : moshing newschool hc from singapore (thrash steady syndicate) 4e<br>
REJECTED SCUMS ‘Street survivors’: street punk from malaysia. 4e <br>
SADISTIC GORE 'Buried alive': Brutal death metal. 2e <br>
SAWN OFF s/t : U K fast hardcore/ crust (Flat earth) 5e <br>
SELF HATE ‘At the beginning…’ : grind (Self made God rds) 4e <br>
SHIKARI s/t : 4 songs + a video live show (12 songs) of emo violence modern hardcore from nederlands (level plane) 4e<br>
S K « ? » comp.:19 songs.Bananas at the audience, Plod, Ned, Vomit for breakfast, Oldine…(SK) 4e<br>
SKARP ‘Bury your dead’: Usa hardcore sometimes fast sometimes not.(autodafe) 6e <br>
SNAFU/ SINCE THE DAY ‘things you barely know’ : Newschool metal. (bastardized) 4e<br>
THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT ‘s/t’ :intense and complex emo (WFAA) 4e <br>
THROW‘s/t’ : Asian punk (throw inc.) 4e <br>
TORN APART ‘Craving pale flesh’: swedish (?) death grind (pathologically explicit) 6e <br>
TOYCHESTRA ‘sassy pony’: pop noise. (SK) 4e <br>
TRAUMA ‘Acrobat’ : french hip hop (acrobat/creation du crane) 4e <br>
UCK GRIND ‘Justice’: Turkish metal and hardcore. 3e <br>
WORLD BURNS TO DEATH‘ the sucking of the missile cock’: U.S modern crust hardcore (hardcore holocaust) 6.5e<br><br>

7 INCHES :<br>
BOOTER s/t: french raw rock n roll. (peste et cholera/rumble fish corp.) 2.5 e <br>
BOOTER/SHOCK TREATMENT split (peste et cholera) 2.5e <br>
BOUMxCOEUR records comp.: 10 bands. Each one plays one minute of music. From fast hardcore to grindcore.BUxKxNONE/CHAROGNE STONE/HERPES VAGINALE/ROGER MOORE/ORGAN GRINDER/ASS'N'DICK/KRAP NEK/THRASHINGTON DC/DIE HOLLE/INTESTINAL DISEASE.2.5e <br>
BUxKxNONE s/t: 7 songs of french fast hxc. (Emergence) 3e <br>
CIVIL RIGHTS s/t: japanese hardcore (civil rights rds) 2.5e <br>
CRUX s/t: Nice 4 songs of dark crust (modern) from australia (Another day of nothing) 3e<br>
DEAD FOR A MINUTE/DESIDERATA split: french hardcore with style and ideas vs.angry hardcore from luxemburg (Acide folik/Shinya) 2.5e <br>
DYSPNEA/NAKOT split: crust vs crust punk. Balkanian conspiracy! (Alcoholic desaster) 3e<br>
ESCATOFAGIA 'Man wolf of the man': Bolivian noisy metalic loud kind of grind (View beyond) 3e <br>
EXISTENCH/DREAD 101 split: Canadian metal grind vs czech crust! (malarie) 3e<br>
FAREWELL s/t: kind of good screamo from france (Impure musik) 3e <br>
FH-72 ‘Radical humanity’: German noisy political hardcore from ’89. (Rodel) 3e <br>
GATE ‘Soon to be sodomized’: japanese grind (bad people/ selfish fucker) 3e<br>
HIBAKUSHA/DEPRESY MOUSE split: Czech fast hardcore/grindcore (Impregante noise) 3e <br>
KOBRA XI/S.I.K.A split: czech and slovakian thrash fast!! (biosphere/soyamilk) 3e <br>
KONFIDENT/DEPRESY MOUSE split: Czech fast hardcore!! (Project) 3e <br>
KONFIDENT/HIBAKUSHA split: Czech fast hardcore/grind (noise master) 3e <br>
KONSTRUKT ‘In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni’: Austrian fast deconstructed hardcore.22 songs on a 7”!!(existence/Hammerwerk...) 2.5e<br>
LET IT BURN/THE SCARLETT LETTER split: U.S. fast HxC(orange wax/vendetta) 2.5e <br>
MALACHI KRUNCH/MAGGOT NYC split: Usa hardcore punk for both (Computer crime) 2e<br>
MASS GENOCIDE PROCESS/COMA split: Czech and swedish crustcore (Undislessed) 2.5e <br>
MASS GENOCIDE PROCESS/SEE YOU IN HELL split: Czech dark crust vs czech fast hc. (Insane society) 3e <br>
MINDBLASTER/HATHOR split: swedish punk trash played by metalheads. (Genocidal) 3e <br>
MONOLITH/MAGGOT SHOES split: austrian grind chaos vs german metal (allanieg) 3e <br>
NAB 'Collage de un delirio': Italian grind (red wax) (Tetanus/undislessed/shogun...) 3e<br>
NAILED DOWN/RUIDO split 5”: Australian harcore vs.Us fast shit. (Power it up) 3e <br>
OI POLLOI/MILLAH-UILE RUDE/ATOMGEVITTER/NA JAISLINGEAN split. One song for each! scottish bands. (problem? rds) 2.5e <br>
OPERATION EAT SHIT/FUCKING CANARIES split: french and belgian hardcore 2.5e <br>
OPERATION EAT SHIT/YOUSSOUF TODAY split: french hardcore (weewee...) 3e <br>
QUILL/GEORGE BITCH JR split: japanese and french fast hardcore 2.5e <br>
RETCH/AVEN split : Grind/Modern hc (full of shit/los discos de la bestia)3e <br>
RETCH/TWIST split: Grind for retch / metalic hc punk (los discos de la bestia) 2.5e <br>
STERBEHILFE/K.S.K. split: german fastcore vs german powerviolence (die manufakture) 3e<br>
STOLEN LIVES ‘Spal svou vlajku’: czech hardcore (GRF) 3e <br>
STOLEN LIVES/TIME OF MY LIFE split: Czech and slovakian hxc (Impregnate noise) 3e <br>
THE BETTER THOUGHTS TO COME? / TIELNICH split: modern hardcore (Shogun) 3e <br>
TROPIEZO/OPUS DEAD split: Puerto rico fast hc vs. spanish punk hc (Where is your anger?) 2.5 <br>
ULCERRHOEA/SIVIILIMURHA split: german crust grind vs. Finnish noise 2.5 e<br>
UNGUST/SCHLEPPHODHEN split : punk from germoney. 3e <br>
VOMITUS/FLUX OF DISORDER split: Usa’ kind of black metal (?) vs usa kind of crust (nonsense) 2e<br><br>

LP :<br>
CHICKEN’S CALL ‘maintenant ou jamais’ : One sided 10’’ of french anarkopunk. The over side is silkscrened. (perce oreille) 5e <br>
COMPLETE ‘All systems go’ : emo stuff. (Scorched earth policy) 5e <br>
DEATH RATTLE/JOURNEY INTO MARGIN split: greek dark crust vs. greek anarkopunk. (Alcoholic desaster) 7e <br>
DECADENCE WITHIN ‘Soulwound’: Thrash from UK (Peaceville) 7e <br>
DREGS OF HUMANITY/NIHILUST split: Australian grind crust (Tasmanian alcoholic) 6,5 e<br>
FUBAR ‘Justification of criminal behaviour’: Netherland’s grindcore! (TVG) 7e <br>
HIBAKUSHA ‘Morula’: Czech fast hardcore/grind!! (exit) 7e <br>
HK/WITH LOVE split: Hk :intense and deconstruct Hc W L :Emo Hc with noisy and chaotic parts. (chimeres) 6e <br>
INERTIE/KARRAS split: french modern crust (stonehenge) 7e <br>
INVICTUS ‘Never forget your commitment’ : Youth crew old school Hc. (SOA rds) 5e<br>
KAKISTOCRACY s/t: Anarkopunk from usa (FFYM/perce oreille/les nains aussi) 6e <br>
MUNDA DI MIERDO s/t: french anarko messy punk crust with the tamtam! (chimeres) 6e <br>
NEEDFUL THINGS ‘Dead point’: Czech grind (power it up) 7e <br>
NO KNIFE/9 DAYS WONDER split : emo (Nova rds) 6e<br>
OMERTA 'We'll never see the snow again': 4 songs of really good english heavy hardcore 6e<br>
TIDAL/ACABAH ROT split: emo metal/hc (memento) 5e <br>
UBRIS ‘1999-2001’: french grind. 100 songs in less than 30 min. Complete noise chaos. 7e <br>
YEARS OF DECAY s/t: french crust (chimeres) 7e <br><br>
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