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Le Deal du moment : -67%
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 Vente - 7"

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Nombre de messages : 313
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2009

Vente - 7" Empty
MessageSujet: Vente - 7"   Vente - 7" EmptyDim 27 Fév - 15:50

3€ pièce, on deal uniquement par mail : pissraw@gmail.com


aereogramme - barriers
any last word - s/t
blank stare - s/t
chuck ragan - ole diesel (blue)
cross me - drug free zone
debaser - rich white boys (white)
def. Master - s/t
draw blood - rowdyism (clear red)
elliot - hateful days
garrison - the bend before the break
go! - your power means nothing (repress)
iscariote - s/t (white)
kill sadie - a new make (clear gold)
kill sadie - ep n°2 (clear)
kill sadie - s/t
kodiak - s/t
last in line - s/t
logs - s/t
million dead - living the dream
mouthbreather - s/t (clear green)
no more fear - one thing we'll share
one voice - break free (clear blue)
out to sea - the soul of mankind (clear red)
overload - we live here and now (green)
passe montagne - extended play (clear)
prideswallower - lifeswallower
raw nerves - muderers among us
sista sekunden - sista forsvarslinjen
split aside/atomic garden/gas drummers/ravi
split catalyst/brainbombs (grey)
split chuck ragan/loved ones
split chuck ragan/nagel - snapshot (clear)

split hal shedad/inkwell
split hot cross/holy shroud
split kidcrash/l'antietam
split kill sadie/brand new unit (marble grey)
split lying on loot/state route 522
split minus the bear/the city on film
split owen/the city on film
split sista sekunden/iscream 7 showers
switchblade - ep (clear)
taking back Sunday - a decade under the influence (clear green)
the fiction - titus ep
the gaslight anthem - the 59 sound
total fury - committed to the core ep
v/a - the emo annihilation (comadre, june paik etc)
wasted time - no shore ep
when my authorities fall - s/t

+ 10" à 5€

as friend rust 8" (clear)
flipper - single generic flipper
frank turner - campfire punk rock
hope of the states - left
kill sadie - half cocked concepts
mono - memorie dal futuro
split petethepiratesquid/teeth of mammals/narwhal/kias fansuri
zëro - s/t

rouge = réservé.
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Vente - 7"
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