Nombre de messages : 111 Date d'inscription : 09/03/2007
Sujet: SOMETHING FIERCE + Mike The Ergs (accoustic show) Mer 5 Jan - 23:36
Salut SOMETHING FIERCE va essayer de traverser notre beau pays en Mai... si ça vous dit de rendre leur périple plus agréable... merci ! Ils seront accompagné de Mike, batteur du groupe THE ERGS qui proposera d'agrémenter la soirée d'un set acoustique (bien !)
SOMETHING FIERCE (Houston Texas, dirtnap records)
Review MRR "Houston's best little secret, which like all the other nuggets of gold currently come out of Texas should should be public domain. This is a gem of a record from start to finish - an adrenaline rush of hooks, choruses, and some of the cleverest pop writing since those BUZZCOCKS fellas picked up their guitars. It's got that MARKED MEN X-factor, that UK '79 buzz, and a fine indie sensibility that reminds me a hell of a lot of THE PIXIES. This is one of those special records that just grows and grows with every listen till you're head-over-heels in love with it. They're coming to my town in two weeks and I've already booked a day off work, and got my drinking exercise routine in full effect - now all I gotta do is bring this record home, learn all the words, and get my dance moves polished to perfection. A brilliant record by a brilliant band." - Maximum Rock'N'Roll (SD)